Fast-Start Enabled Videos with FFMpeg

MPEG 4 is the most dominant video format for the web, which is supported on a variety of platforms and devices. And FFmpeg is the most popular software for encoding videos. While there are tons of articles about encoding MPEG 4 videos with FFmpeg, most of them fail to warn you about something: most video players will not start the playback until the whole video is downloaded. This could be annoying, especially for large videos.

Film leader

Here is a video encoded with the following command and played via two methods; the HTML5 video tag and Flash-based video player:

ffmpeg.exe -i big_buck_bunny_trailer-1080p.ogg -c:v libx264 -profile:v baseline -preset slow -b:v 800k -c:a libvo_aacenc -b:a 128k -s 512x288 big_buck_bunny_trailer-288p.mp4

HTML5 Video 1, 2

Flash Player 1

To create a "fast-start" enabled video using FFMpeg, specify -movflags faststart parameter in the command 3:

ffmpeg.exe -i big_buck_bunny_trailer-1080p.ogg -c:v libx264 -profile:v baseline -preset slow -b:v 800k -c:a libvo_aacenc -b:a 128k -s 512x288 -movflags faststart big_buck_bunny_trailer-288p-faststart.mp4

The following videos should start quickly, long before the video is downloaded completely:

HTML5 Video

Flash Player

  1. If the video starts immediately then either the video is already in your browser cache or you have a very fast internet connection.
  2. Chrome might not play the video at all (reasons unknown to me).
  3. The older way of enabling fast start plus the gory details are discussed here.


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